Buna . Vreau sa gasesc un profesor sau o profesoara de engleza care da meditatii. Va rig contactati-ma Id mes laura30c. Multumesc .
Postat pe 23 Iulie 2008 14:44
daca inca nu ai gasit da-mi un mesaj!
Postat pe 10 Septembrie 2008 10:01
stiu si eu pe cineva!!
anunta-ma daca mai ai nevoie
Postat pe 24 Octombrie 2008 10:15
Sunt profa de engl. Stau in zona Lujerului, dar vin la domiciliul elevului/studentului, doar sa pot ajunge cu metroul, pt ca, totusi, e cel mai direct... sunt in Ghidul serviciilor,am tel 0721953985
Postat pe 13 Noiembrie 2008 17:12
Hai sa invatam engleza virtual, aici pe forumul asta.Vrea cineva???? Please.....
Postat pe 7 Februarie 2009 20:51
de acord....
Postat pe 24 Februarie 2009 12:02
Maria, crezi ca numai noi doua putem face un club de invatat engleza? Sa incercam sau sa aducem si alte persoane?
Postat pe 24 Februarie 2009 17:11
Vin si eu in clubul celor care vor sa invete engleza
Postat pe 24 Februarie 2009 17:50
si eu vreau , cine o sa fie profu de engleza? sau profa?
dar moca nu i-a dat nici mama lui tata asa ca slabe sperante
Postat pe 24 Februarie 2009 17:55
poate vrea natalita sa ne o ajut si eu...
Postat pe 25 Februarie 2009 00:55
OK, cum incepem?
Postat pe 25 Februarie 2009 04:43
Acum depinde cum suntem:incepatori sau nu. Daca zicem ca suntem incepatori exista in didactica engleza ideea de "false beginners", adica spui ca nu cunosti limba engleza, dar ai deja un minim de cunostinte de engleza: de la TV, de la computer,etc.
Trebuie stabilit de la ce nivel se porneste.
Postat pe 27 Februarie 2009 00:47
Good day ladies,
Nobody is a beginner here.We all know a bit or more.So I think that we can learn from each other just through simple conversation.
When one of us has a question, or can not understand something, just ask.
Let the fun to begin!
Postat pe 27 Februarie 2009 18:00
De la: micabis, la data 2009-02-27 18:00:40Good day ladies,
Nobody is a beginner here.We all know a bit or more.So I think that we can learn from each other just through simple conversation.
When one of us has a question, or can not understand something, just ask.
Let the fun to begin!

Eu chiar sunt incepatoare , inteleg ce ai scris dar nu stiu sa scriu o sa treceti la nivel mediu?
bine cateodata uit sa scriu si pe romaneste dar vreau sa invat engleza
Postat pe 28 Februarie 2009 08:06
ok!Have a GREAT weekend!take care,
Cora xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Postat pe 28 Februarie 2009 08:35
Pai Sisi, asta e idea. Tu scrii asa cum te pricepi (te mai uiti intr-un dictionar, una, alata) si cineva te va corecta. Si uite asa, invatam cu totii.

Today I am going to a wedding.Haven't been at one in years.I hope to have fun.I'll tell you about it after.
Postat pe 28 Februarie 2009 17:18
Good evening, ladies!
In English " Good day" means the end of a conversation when you don't want to continue it.
The greetings are : Good morning! Good afternoon! Good night! Hello! Hi! and Good night! only when you live in the same house with the person you want to wish a good night and "Sleep well" or "Sweet dreams!", but if you leave you say " Good-bye", or simply "Bye". Let fun begin (or start)!
When will you tell us about the wedding, our dear micabis?
Postat pe 1 Martie 2009 22:34
Sorry, I'm too tired. Instead of the first "Good night!" read "Good evening!"*, OK?
Bye, till tomorrow, I hope.
Sweet dreams!
Postat pe 1 Martie 2009 22:38
The wedding was nothing I was expected to see.
First of all, we were late for the Church Ceremony because we got lost.So I can't tell much about that part.We took part at the photo session which was hold on the Church yard and because it was a beautiful day, we spent about an hour in a great garden.
After that we went to the restaurant for the dinner reception.
There was different for me because they didn't have any music. The food was good: vegetables with ranch for entree, salad for the first meal followed by the main dish.The main dish was a choice of steak or chicken BBQ with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.
We left about 8:00 P.M.
I hope the next wedding I am invited to, is going to be more.... full of life.
Postat pe 2 Martie 2009 18:06
What does "full of life" mean to you, micabis?
Postat pe 3 Martie 2009 09:21
micabis,....mi-as dori foarte mult sa reusim asta,...
Postat pe 3 Martie 2009 10:34
Full of life is when is music, dancing, not just sitting at the table and socially talking.I mean it was a wedding not a conference.
Any way, it was a nice experience and I enjoyed being with friends and acquaintances.

Maria, scrie ceva, intreaba, nu te jena in nici un fel.Adica imi face placere sa conversez cu Sora dar ar fi mult mai entertaining cu mai multe persoane in conversatie.

Scenariu asta in limba engleza il fac nu pentru mine ci pentru cine vrea sa invete cuvinte noi, expresii, putina gramatica...Ai vazut ce bine venita a fost sesizarea Sorei cu privire la formule politicoase de adresare.

Cural dragelor, nimeni nu va cunoaste, de ce va e jena?
Postat pe 3 Martie 2009 17:55
in spain the rain falls mainly in the plain...he,he,he...
Postat pe 3 Martie 2009 17:58
Zam, I'm sure you can much more than that.
Postat pe 3 Martie 2009 23:37
Hey Hyacinth, looky here:

one, one, one
let's get run
two,two, two,
the dog is after you
three, three, three
three birds on the tree
four, four, four
four cats on the floor

Sis, of course he can better than that.Actually, I think he came on this topic for you, it looks for me that he is following you
Postat pe 4 Martie 2009 05:13
Hey, micabis, let Zam answer for himself, pls! Maybe he's thinking slow these days.(Oops !Hope he doesn't read this!)
But how do you know he can better than that? Or do you want only to incite him?
Postat pe 4 Martie 2009 21:51
anna has apples...

mom is a spinner and dad is a smelter...

do you think it's easy, huh?...
Postat pe 4 Martie 2009 22:06
Hey, Micabis, look what you've done!
Zam, pls, you should be the teacher here! But I beg you, change the course!
Postat pe 4 Martie 2009 22:24
Tell me more Hyacinth!

Sis, I think Hyacinth can teach me English and that why I am asking him for more.Of course you can teach me pure English and he can teach me ...unpure english.
Postat pe 5 Martie 2009 05:29

o scriere fonetica bagati?


sa te invat o chestie murdara ,ceva?
apropos de engleza aia..pura, care o poti invata sau nu..

acilea vad ca nu mai bagi porci, lupi... se pare ca doar la romana avem probleme,ti-am recitit iar poezia aia de la razbunare.

Postat pe 5 Martie 2009 15:15


Subiect Mesaje Ultimul Mesaj
concurs 5 De la: tutankhamon 20 Mai 2009 00:41
salutare 6 De la: garbo_2390 6 Mai 2012 20:40
Mierea si scortisoara 0 De la: 7 Septembrie 2009 17:22
"Ecocool sau emofricky?" 12 De la: mespiri 23 August 2009 14:55
Vreau un sfat va rog! 6 De la: mielutza 8 Iulie 2009 18:02
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