i realy have a real life... it seems to me that you have not....because you stay to much on the net ( couple of thousend messages ....) and that is the virtual life... you should talk nice because i know to talk unfriendly to...bitch |
TheDarkRose Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:45 |
who does really care about you or about your talking? | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:49 |
dreaq,ilsi... nici ala! |
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:52 |
first of all...grow up and learn how to spell English....your English sucks....you want to f u c k me, but all you do is make fool of yourself.... and second...get a good pair of glasses....and see when i've subscribed here...i have more than a year and 4 months....but you are so obvious insane, that u can't see that... f u c k yourself...but do it for money, this time, not to get suicide that you are used for nothing... p.s. remember for the rest of the days that you have here.....if somebody else arround here is "born to be a bitch"......i am allways a bitch.... |
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:53 |
are you sure, pre? | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:53 |
tutanko....da' vad ca matale bagi fluent in egipteana,soro! ilsi,totu-i relativ... |
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 20:58 |
he he preci.....egiptean-language is my second name.... | ||
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:00 |
panty_C Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:02 |
paulino, did u finally get to eat that damn flower in ur pic, or not? Just to know where u're comin' from: roses have thorns or thorns have roses? |
quasaria Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:06 |
So, let's make it clear: who' s the bitch here? | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:10 |
cum era aia?... roses are red... violets are blue... paulette is saying " f.k u 2!" |
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:11 |
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:13 |
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:13 |
aici nu se vorbeste romaneste? | ||
buna_01 Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:15 |
aici ne aratam muschii! | ||
pik_nik Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:17 |
ba varicele,voarba lu' ilsi... | ||
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:19 |
I'm still waiting for an answer: who"s the bitch in here? | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:19 |
me,me,me! | ||
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:21 |
De la: tutankhamon, la data 2010-01-09 20:53:31first of all...grow up and learn how to spell English....your English sucks....you want to f u c k me, but all you do is make fool of yourself.... i'm dead sure that you are a bitch....f u c k you up small tuta |
TheDarkRose Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:22 |
ma sochez | ||
buna_01 Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:24 |
paulette... e ca in bancuri: peace on u... piss on u 2.... | ||
quasaria Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:24 |
gata,ma duc sa fiu singuratica in alta parte... orvoar gashca! |
preciouss Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:25 |
it taked u a looong time to shit a little phrase of 14 words.....did u look up to "goagal"???..or did u wrote down by letters, not to make mistakes again???...you're pathetic.... | ||
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:25 |
preci, you too Brutus? | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:25 |
De la: sora_ilsi, la data 2010-01-09 21:19:16I'm still waiting for an answer: who"s the bitch in here? EVERYBODY |
LILO Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:27 |
De la: preciouss, la data 2010-01-09 21:25:11gata,ma duc sa fiu singuratica in alta parte... No, you can't leave right now! You have to tell us your opinion about this very nice subject! |
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:29 |
lilooo...se spune ...EVERYBODY in the casa mariiiii..... | ||
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:29 |
De la: quasaria, la data 2010-01-09 21:06:51paulino, did u finally get to eat that damn flower in ur pic, or not? you are so clever, aren'you??? pitty that nobodyelse know that... fi-mi-ar rusa de ras sa-mi fie tuto.... |
TheDarkRose Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:31 |
Thanks, lilo, you're the only person here who always tell the truth! We must give you the first prize: The Bitches' Reward Cup! | ||
sora_ilsi Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:31 |
rose...tu ti bagashi singurica..... ai fost mortala cu rusa aia.....pai pana acuma ce vorbiram??? nu chineza??? | ||
tutankhamon Postat pe 9 Ianuarie 2010 21:33 |
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