13 Ianuarie 2017 publicat în Entertainment 60 share-uri

10 povesti muzicale, cu ritmuri care te prind, cu voci pe masura si cu versuri care te vor face sa le pui pe repeat.

Daca tot spunem „Bine ai venit, 2017!”, macar sa o facem cu muzica buna. Iata 10 povesti muzicale, cu ritmuri care te prind, cu voci pe masura si cu versuri care te vor face sa le pui pe repeat. Incepem colorat cu The Perfect Life si terminam cu The Dog Days Are Over pentru cei care se bucura ca s-a terminat un an si a inceput altul. Restul e de gustibus.

10 povesti muzicale cu care sa incepem anul

1. Moby – The perfect life (with Wayne Coyne)

Oh, we close our eyes
The perfect life
Life is all we need

2. Coldplay – Hymn for the weekend

And said drink from me, drink from me
When I was so thirsty
Pour on a symphony
Now I just can't get enough
Put your wings on me, wings on me
When I was so heavy

3. Stereophonics – I wanna get lost with you

I wanna get lost with you
It's the only thing I wanna do
Get out of my mind with you
So come on over

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4. X Ambassadors – Renegades

Run away with me
Lost souls and reverie
Running wild and running free
Two kids, you and me

5. Future Islands - A dream of you and me

All that glitters is gold
Don't believe what you've been told
People lie, people love, people go
But beauty lies in every soul

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